Flagpole Sitta

by Harvey Danger

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.00  |  Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 4:44 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


Where Have All The Merrymakers Gone?

Song Author

Sean Nelson, Jeff Lin, Aaron Huffman, and Evan Sult

Tabbed by



1st → Jeff Lead
2nd → Seank 5
3rd → Jeff Rhythm
4th → Evanussion
5th → Aaron 4

File Size

63 KB




i had vis-ions, i was in them i was look-ing in-to the mir-ror to see a lit-tle bit clear-er the rott-en-ness and ev-il in me fin-ger-tips have mem-or-ies mine can't for-get the curves of your bo-dy and when i feel a bit naugh-ty i run it up the flag-pole and see who sal-utes (but no one ev-er does) Oh i'm not sick but i'm not well and i'm so hot cause i'm in hell __ been ar-ound the world and found that on-ly stup-id peop-le are breed-ing the cret-ins clon-ing and feed-ing and i don't ev-en own a t-v put me in the hos-pit-al for nerves and then they had to com-mit me you told them all i was craz-y they cut off my legs now i'm an amp-u-tee, god damn you Oh i'm not sick but i'm not well and i'm so hot cause i'm in hell Oh i'm not sick but i'm not well and it's a sin to live so well i wan-na pub-lish and rage ag-ainst the mach-ines i wan-na pierce my tongue it does-n't hurt, it fe-els fine the tri-v-ial sub-lime i'd like to turn off time kill my mind kill my mind oh oh oh oh par-a-no-ia par-a-no-ia ev-ery-bo-dy's com-ing to get me just say you nev-er met me i'm run-ing und-er-ground with the moles dig-ging holes hear the voi-ces in my head i swear to god it sounds like they're snor-ing but if you're bored then you're bor-ing the ag-o-ny and the ir-o-ny, they're kil-ling me woah Oh i'm not sick but i'm not well and i'm so hot cause i'm in hell Oh i'm not sick but i'm not well and it's a sin to live so well